Amazon Smile Donations

Did you know that 5% of your Amazon purchase can be donated to SJPC as your charity of choice by Amazon Smile? Support SJPC when you shop on Amazon Smile. Register with Amazon Smile at no cost to you. Believe us that every little amount counts towards our fund-raising total- so thank you!

It’s simple to activate:

  1. ​Visit
  2. Search for Saint Joseph Parenting Center.
  3. Select us as your charity of choice.
  4. 5% of your purchases will be donated to SJPC.
  5. On your phone, if you have Amazon installed, go to settings and turn on Amazon Smile to make sure we receive a donation whether you shop on your desktop or phone. Thank You!
  6. Bookmark on your laptop so when you go to Amazon you are always in the correct site for the donation. If you go to the regular Amazon site, there is no donation.


As the Holidays are approaching, purchase a thoughtful gift for your loved ones easily, using the Amazon Shopping app on your mobile phone. Simply sign up for Amazon Smile and select “Saint Joseph Parenting Center” as your charity of choice. 

Simply follow these steps below:

  1. Open the Amazon Smile app on your phone.
  2. Select the main menu (=) & tap on “Amazon Smile” within Programs & Features.
  3. Select “Saint Joseph Parenting Center” as your charity.
  4. Follow on the on-screen instructions to activate Amazon Smile in the mobile app.