City of Stamford Community Development Block Grant under US Department of Housing and Urban Development- $20,000 grant(Dec 2022) award to SJPC

The City of Stamford is designated a federal entitlement city under the U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD) and annually receives grant funds for the Community Development Block
Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME). The City works to provide safe,
decent and affordable housing, a suitable living environment and economic opportunities especially for
low- to moderate-income (LMI) households and special needs communities.
As a HUD entitlement community, every five years the City is required to submit a Consolidated Plan which
includes an extensive citizen participation process, a community needs assessment, a housing market
analysis and a Strategic Plan which explains how the priority needs of the community identified in this
Plan translate to goals and objectives.
Annually, the City submits an Annual Action Plan (AAP) based off the needs and goals identified in the
Strategic Plan, and shows how the City will use community development resources to address the needs
of the Stamford’s LMI residents. This plan is the 2022 AAP (Year 48), and covers July 1, 2022 through June
30, 2023 for the use of both CDBG and HOME funds.
CONTINGENCY PROVISION: The City of Stamford anticipates receiving an estimated $980,710 from CDBG
and $430,000 from HOME, and has based its PY 2022 budget on these estimates. HUD has not yet
announced the actual PY 2022 annual allocation, therefore City will use a contingency provision to ensure
that the estimated budget will be adjusted to the actual allocation once it has been announced. The
contingency provision for CDBG projects will be to increase or decrease the estimated budget
proportionally to the final allocation. CDBG grant caps for Admin (20%) and Public Services (15%) will be
maintained and the balance will be adjusted proportionally to Housing Programs and Public Facilities &
Infrastructure. The contingency provision for HOME projects will be to apply grant caps to Admin (10%)
and CHDO Reserve (15%) and the balance to non-CHDO HOME development activities.

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