General Parenting Program

The goal of the General Parenting Program is to provide parents with the space to learn and share parenting knowledge and skills in a group setting. The program consists of 28 different parenting topics ranging from healthy discipline strategies and encouraging your child’s self-esteem to managing your family’s nutrition and household budget.

For the whole family

Available to mothers, fathers, and any caregiver interested in learning

Learn in your language

All our services are offered in English and Spanish


An intake assessment is required before attending classes

Open enrollment

Classes are open enrollment – parents can join into the cycle at any time


Ongoing case management includes counseling, advocacy, and connections to community resources

Gifts for children

Incentive gifts for children provided to parents when they attend 10 and 20 classes

Parenting Class Schedule

Currently all classes are being held in person. 

If you would like to enroll in our programs in Stamford, CT or find out more information, please call 203-588-1934 x1517 or email Valerie at [email protected], and we will connect you with a case manager.

If you would like to enroll in our programs in Danbury, CT or find out more information, please call 203-588-1934 x1401 or email Crystal at [email protected], and we will connect you with a case manager.

Classes in English / Spanish
Danbury – Tuesdays at 6pm
Stamford – Thursdays at 6:30pm & 8:30pm

Parenting Program Topics Covered

Active Parenting

  1. What is Active Parenting?
  2. Cooperation & Communication
  3. Responsibility & Discipline
  4. Building Courage & Self-Esteem 
  5. Understanding & Redirecting Misbehavior
  6. Active Parenting for School Success

First Five Years

  1. You and Your Child
  2. Preventing Problems
  3. Encouraging Positive Behavior


  1. Bonding & Child Development
  2. The Effect of Media on Children
  3. An Overview of Learning Disabilities

Health & Safety

  1. Health & First Aid: Child
  2. Home & Child Safety
  3. Nutrition & Healthy Living

The Importance of Fathers

Abuse & Violence

  1. Understanding Sexual Abuse
  2. Understanding Substance Abuse
  3. Abuse and Violence in the Home: The Effect on Children

Budgeting & Time Management

Mental Health

  1. Children’s Mental Health

Anger Management

  1. Part #1, #2, and #3


  1. Effective Communication #1: Adult
  2. Effective Communication #2: Child

Single & Co-Parenting

Legal Issues